Company profile

Overview of company settings

The company profile includes the following features:
company logo, company data, addresses, company users, projects with company users, metadata templates, project organization, and company email signature.


Company Logo

Upload your company's logo on to make the system reflect your company's identity.

Simply upload an image in 256x256 pixels, and it will appear in your side menu.

Company Data

Additional company data can be added here.

Company Address

It is possible to add multiple addresses under the company address if the company has multiple locations.

Company Users

In the company profile, you can find an overview of all the registered users in the system who belong to your company.

Projects with company users

In this overview, as a company administrator, you will see a list of all the projects that users from your own company are associated with.

Metadata Templates

It is possible to create additional metadata templates here, in addition to the standard metadata templates. You can also hide the standard template columns or change their order.

Project Organization

If you have a large number of projects, it is recommended to categorize them into sections to have a better overview of all the projects.

Company Email Signature

Create a unified email signature for all users by entering the company's fixed information. The user's name and email will be automatically added.