If you experience problem with download

Solutions for download

Network Error during download
A "Network Error" is a local error that originates from the user's own browser when a download fails. This issue often occurs when attempting to download large files or large amounts of data (including file drives like Google Drive). A network error can be caused by antivirus software or other unwanted software that blocks the download.

Solution 1: Try using a different web browser
If you encounter a "Network Error" while trying to download files from Byggeprojekt.dk, you can try using a different browser. Several users have reported successful downloads after switching to a different browser.

Therefore, if you come across this network error, it would be a good idea to try using a different browser.

Solution 2: Check your browser's security settings
If you encounter a "Network Error" while trying to download files from Byggeprojekt.dk, you can choose to check your security settings.

In general, when you encounter a "Network Error" while downloading from Byggeprojekt.dk, it may be caused by antivirus software blocking the download. Therefore, the first step is to remove the antivirus software's block on the download.

Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open your antivirus software and go to Settings.

Step 2: Then click on Advanced settings, Extras, or Components (depending on your antivirus software).

Step 3: You will then see options like HTTPS scanning or Encrypted connection scanning. Uncheck or disable these options.

Afterward, you can try downloading the file again and check if the network error is resolved.

Solution 3: Clear your Google Chrome browser

If the above solutions are not effective, you can choose to perform a cleanup from Chrome to remove the malicious software.

Here is the guide:

Step 1: Open Settings from Google Chrome.

Step 2: Then scroll down and select Advanced to continue.

Step 3: Scroll down to select Clean up computer to continue.

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