“We were looking for a solution that could track the project through all the different phases of the construction process.”

1 minutters læsning
Sep 15, 2020 9:47:25 AM

Creo Arkitekter has benefited from Byggeprojekt.dk in several areas – especially with regard to the project web and processing digital tenders

Creo Arkitekter is the biggest firm of architects in the Region of Southern Denmark. Established in 2010, the agency originally tendered digitally for a great many assignments via its own project server:

“During the tendering processes, this meant a lot of extra work to make sure that everyone had all the material,” relates a spokesperson for Creo Arkitekter. “Even then, we often had to send out hard copy versions of the material as well because some contractors couldn’t handle the digital versions.”

Needed more capacity to manage the projects

The introduction of the Danish ICT Statutory Order in 2013 placed even higher demands on the project server, so Creo started to think about expanding it and realised that it made no sense to keep on using it for project tenders. They continued using the server as an exchange tool for a year or so, but what they really needed was a solution that could track projects through all the different phases of the construction process.

In 2014, they therefore decided to invest in a consolidated digital solution that they could use in all project phases, but which did not require ongoing maintenance. The company chose Byggeprojekt.dk, as this was a platform that met all their needs and ensured they could comply with the ICT requirements as well.

If you would like to find out more about how our solution can support you in all phases of a construction project, call us for a free demonstration:


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