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Press Release - Pro4all expands towards the Nordics with the acquisition of Byggeprojekt

Press Release - Pro4all expands towards the Nordics with the acquisition of Byggeprojekt

Jul 4, 2024 3:21:19 PM 3 minutters læsning
Danish company Boligkontoret Århus signs 4-year framework agreement with Byggeprojekt.dk

Danish company Boligkontoret Århus signs 4-year framework agreement with Byggeprojekt.dk

Sep 17, 2020 10:04:24 AM 1 minutters læsning
Kaj Ove Madsen uses software from Byggeprojekt
Byggeprojekt.dk er valgt som leverandør af Kaj Ove Madsens A/S Aarhus’ projektweb

Kaj Ove Madsen uses software from Byggeprojekt

Sep 17, 2020 10:00:56 AM 2 minutters læsning
Lyngby-Taarbæk utility company uses procurement software from Byggeprojekt
Hvert år foretager Lyngby-Taarbæk Forsyning udbud inden for vandforsyning og rensning af spildevand

Lyngby-Taarbæk utility company uses procurement software from Byggeprojekt

Sep 17, 2020 9:52:14 AM 1 minutters læsning
Digital platform from Byggeprojekt.dk gives Wils A/S clear advantages when tendering
Wils A/S bruger Byggeprojekt.dk

Digital platform from Byggeprojekt.dk gives Wils A/S clear advantages when tendering

Sep 15, 2020 2:54:40 PM 1 minutters læsning
“A good platform for handling development, project planning and execution – with all history stored in one place”
Gartnerbyen i Odense

“A good platform for handling development, project planning and execution – with all history stored in one place”

Sep 15, 2020 10:32:13 AM 1 minutters læsning
“A well-functioning solution that perfectly matches our needs and is easy to use.”
Sjælsø Management valgte Byggeprojekt.dk efter en omfattende markedsundersøgelse

“A well-functioning solution that perfectly matches our needs and is easy to use.”

Sep 15, 2020 9:54:07 AM 1 minutters læsning
“We were looking for a solution that could track the project through all the different phases of the construction process.”

“We were looking for a solution that could track the project through all the different phases of the construction process.”

Sep 15, 2020 9:47:25 AM 1 minutters læsning
Boligkontoret Danmark has chosen Byggeprojekt.dk on account of its user-friendliness, functionality, quality and price
Boligkontoret Danmark bruger Byggeprojekt.dk til flere end 100 byggesager om året

Boligkontoret Danmark has chosen Byggeprojekt.dk on account of its user-friendliness, functionality, quality and price

Sep 15, 2020 9:35:28 AM 1 minutters læsning
The Danish Municipality of Middelfart and its consultants view Byggeprojekt.dk as a simple and straightforward tool

The Danish Municipality of Middelfart and its consultants view Byggeprojekt.dk as a simple and straightforward tool

Sep 15, 2020 9:24:20 AM 1 minutters læsning
It’s easy to work with, and the explorer system provides an excellent overview ...

It’s easy to work with, and the explorer system provides an excellent overview ...

Sep 15, 2020 9:10:43 AM 1 minutters læsning
“It has increased operational reliability and significantly reduced our workload”

“It has increased operational reliability and significantly reduced our workload”

Sep 15, 2020 8:59:13 AM 2 minutters læsning
No-one has any problems using the project web
Thormann.as udfører projektudvikling, byggestyring samt hoved- og totalentrepriser

No-one has any problems using the project web

Sep 14, 2020 3:16:47 PM 1 minutters læsning