The Danish Municipality of Middelfart and its consultants view as a simple and straightforward tool

1 minutters læsning
Sep 15, 2020 9:24:20 AM

Consistent and competitively priced – with all data in one place.

Anders Troelsen, Construction Designer m.a.k. (Member of the Konstruktørforeningen organisation), Property Centre, Municipality of Middelfart:

“We use both the Project Web and Tender modules of, – on the Brohuset project in Nørre Aaby, for example. The platform is simple and straightforward. It’s easy to create folders and set up the structure, and we can do everything ourselves. – but if we do need help, then we really appreciate the support, which is fast and efficient.

We chose after a process where we took a good look at the market, and we haven’t regretted our decision for a second. On the Brohuset project, we used the platform to bring in tenders from both design-and-build consultants and skilled workers. It takes a little getting used to, just like anything else, but it’s easy to establish an overview. Everything runs smoothly – when defining which folders the different bidders are to have access to, for example. What they’re allowed to look at now and later on, so that everything is done properly.”

Easy to create new projects

“The folder structure is simple to work with – you can create a new project by copying an existing structure, but without the files. This helps you keep things consistent, which has always been our goal. At the same time, it’s a real advantage that we can invite an unlimited number of users in, and we think the price is really attractive compared to some of the other IT solutions we have.

What is more, it didn’t take long for us to familiarise ourselves with the setup. And I’m really pleased that if there’s a particular folder missing, I can just create it myself. I’m hearing the same kind of comments from our consultants. They like working with the system. Looking ahead, we’re thinking of adding the archive module for 1- and 5-year reviews. The Brohuset project is clearly demonstrating the value of having all the data in one place.”


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