“A good platform for handling development, project planning and execution – with all history stored in one place”

1 minutters læsning
Sep 15, 2020 10:32:13 AM

The contracting company H. Skjøde Knudsen A/S has an ever-increasing number of development projects to work on, and can now run data management itself via the Byggeprojekt.dk digital solution

The numerous requirements that inevitably arise in development projects – such as the 140,000 m2 Gartnerbyen project in Odense, Denmark – convinced H. Skjøde Knudsen to choose a professional project web:

Teknisk chef Allan Arno Kronborg

“Until now, we’ve often had to make do with whatever the construction client made available to us when, for example, we were bidding on a main contract. But as we started taking on more and more development projects and design-and-build contracts, we needed our own platform.

A place where we can bring in information from all parts of the value chain, from competitive procurement and contract preparation, to execution and delivery,” says Allan Arno Kronborg, Technical Manager at Skjøde.

Invite partners

The Byggeprojekt.dk project web has provided a range of practical benefits. One of them is that the company can now invite selected partners to participate actively early in the project planning phase:

“Simply put, we now have the chance to involve our partners even before they start work on the actual construction, for example. This means that we can draw on a broader field of expertise and bring even more quality into the project than we otherwise could. As such we can assure the project finances – and, in particular, quality – on an ongoing basis,” explains Allan Arno Kronborg.


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